has been around since 1996 – way before myspace or facebook or dogster, or any of that stuff. And Kylie’s diary was launched in 2002 before anybody knew what a “blog” was.
All that internet exposure amassed Kylie her own little fan base of some really wonderful people. People who never met her but loved her from afar and regularly followed her antics. We have received several messages from them recently but perhaps none so touching as the one we received today:
My husband sent me a Kylie card so many years ago I can’t remember when she wasn’t a part of our lives! He has kept me updated as this site has grown from Kylie’s offering of fortunes to seeing her photos sleeping in the sun to watching her travels!
We love looking at every photo of Kylie and reading every story! We are heartbroken that she is gone, especially because she died on my birthday! But we know she lives on in heaven with all the other pets who live in our hearts on earth. We lost our 1st Jack Russell, Libby just before she turned 20 and I am certain she and Kylie are rolling in their own special dirt baths in the sky as I type!
Two other Russells live with us now: Sully & Katie. We know the special love these crazy pups bring to those of us special enough to live with them. Sully and Katie came to us from Jack Russell Rescue as will all the Russells who will live with us throughout our lives.
Thank you so much for loving this lucky little dog so obviously and so deeply! Thank you for sharing her life with us and all the other who are now fans of hers and you forever. When we lost Libby our hearts were crippled with grief. At some point, thankfully, we began to notice that we could think of her without tears and soon enough, we were able to think of her as we do now: with great laughter, fond stories and the great love that continues to grow even today! We hope you are soon able to remember her with fewer tears. What an amazing life you shared with her…we know you were as lucky, if not luckier, than she! We truly wish you the best!
Kylie cards, like the one above, are one of the most popular features on and just one more way we were able to share Kylie with the world. And in this case, a simple Kylie card allowed Kylie to bring joy to two people’s lives for years.
It was wonderful to receive this email today and to be reminded that Kylie really was special – not just to us, not just because she was ours.. just because she was Kylie.