Going to visit Kylie’s home.. Hawaii. We have so few pictures of her there, but so many memories!
Her getting in a bag to sneak out of our apartment because there were No Dogs Allowed, we called in getting “In Burrito” (instead of incognito) and Kylie thought it was the best!
Her first trip to the beach which was lots of fun – then the next day she could hardly move because her little legs were stiff from running around in the sand.
The party at our apartment when we thought she must have snuck out but she was stuck under the bed somehow.
The time she ate half a chocolate cake out of the trash (and rolled on the rest of it on the carpet)! Oh, and trying to take off with a whole piece of chocolate cheesecake in her mouth!
Dressing her in a Santa suit for her christmas card photo and having her not want to take it off … ever!
..so fun, so funny, so amazing, so missed; so happy to go where you came from even though it makes me miss you more – if that’s possible.