Kylie’s first christmas was an eventful one… We lived in hawaii where it was very expensive to buy a real tree but we always did. Kylie’s first christmas tree survived about three days, however because during that time she managed pull it down three times!
We never witnessed how she did it specifically, but we’re pretty sure it was because she was going after a particular ornament. It was a little wicker basket with a tiny little dog and cat curled up together on a red & green plaid blanket. For some reason Kylie was determined to destroy it – and she was successful!
Eventually we managed to block off the tree, and after that first year she never again tried to destroy the tree (though for several years she seemed perplexed about why we were bringing the outdoors in), or any ornaments, she would even wait until christmas eve to tear into her presents. That first year though, we had to tell her that Santa did not bring goodies to bad little doggies – of course she still got plenty of goodies.
Now, there’s only one thing we want from Santa..
(btw, whenever you see small photos like these in a post here, you can click on them to see a larger version.)