So the thing with Kylie wearing clothes.. we’re really not those people for whom pets are accessories, for dressing up and parading around. Besides, when Kylie was just a pup designer doggie duds were unheard of, unlike now.
But for Kylie’s second christmas photo we bought her a Santa suit – her first christmas she was a Tropical Raindog (it was hawaii.. get it?).
It was a really high quality Santa suit, thick red plush with fuzzy white collar and a broad black belt. She looked quite jolly wearing it! And apparently it made her jolly because when we would take it off she would pick it up, drag it to the middle of the floor and roll around on it until you would put it back on her. She wore a Santa suit for six months! And it was hawaii.. it was hot!
So we started buying her toddler tees and tank tops because like I said, dog clothes were hard to come by, especially in hawaii. She really liked it wearing clothes – we liked it too, we just thought it was weird!
Then when we moved to the mainland and she got her first exposure to canine couture she built up quite the wardrobe.
Funny thing was, after living there for awhile, like a “real dog” chasing squirrels, seeing other dogs out and about, it’s like she realized that she was in fact a dog and dogs did not wear clothes. So she began the occasional protest when we would put cute stuff on her. You could get her to cooperate while you dressed her, but then she would just stand perfectly still.
When she wanted to play in the snow, she was much more tolerant – it was like she understood that it would keep her warm for awhile.
In fact, she liked the snow so much, she would even put up with this…
It was worth it for her.. Kylie loved the snow! And of course we loved putting her in cute stuff, and she looked so adorable in them, so we continued to buy her the latest fashions.
Kylie did like the compliments and attention she got when she was all dressed up, so she was willing to compromise. She was mature like that!